New Mobile Application
Common questions about the Qtrade Direct Investing mobile application for Android and Apple devices.
- Is the new Qtrade Directing Investing app enabled with biometric authentication?
- Who do I contact if I need additional support on the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- Where do I view my transaction history on the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- Can I sync my watchlist from the web or existing mobile app with the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- Does the new Qtrade Direct Investing app support multiple watchlists?
- What operating version do I need to use the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- Does the new Qtrade Direct Investing app update my balances and stocks in real-time?
- How do I make a stock, ETF or Mutual Fund trades on the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- How do I search for a quote on the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- How do I fund my account?
- What are some of the capabilities from existing app that are not yet available on the new Qtrade Direct Investing app
- How do I offer feedback about the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- What are the benefits and capabilities that are part of the new Qtrade Direct Investing app?
- Can I still use the existing Qtrade Direct Investing app?