A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) can be purchased by logging into your account on the website (not the mobile App)
- Go to Trade -> Fixed Income.
- Select GIC Order
- Select GIC Rate Sheet to see our inventory of GIC products
One to five year term GICs are available for a minimum investment of $5,000 and less than 1 year term GICs for a minimum of $25,000.
We offer non-redeemable GICs for up to 5-year terms with annual payout or compounding interest features. There is no commission charged to buy a GIC.
GICs cannot be redeemed early and may not be transferable. Keep this in mind if you need to withdraw money from a RRIF or LIF payment or if you have any short term needs for cash.
Also be aware of HISA or Money Market Mutual Funds as short term alternatives to cash. GIC’s are protected under CDIC insurance or Credit Union Deposit Insurance.
Note: GIC interest rates quoted on our website are annualized.