Payments from a registered account like a RIF, LIF, or PRIF can be requested to be paid in-kind to a non-registered account in your name.
If the amount requested is part of the scheduled amount, please call us at least five business days prior to the scheduled date of the payment to request for the payment in-kind instead of a cash payment.
If the amount requested is more than the outstanding scheduled payment amount, please submit a Deregistration Form. Fees apply for additional withdrawals as listed. Alternatively, to make a one-time change for the scheduled amount for the year, you can submit a Retirement Income Fund (RIF) Payment Change form
- Except for mutual funds, in-kind securities withdrawals cannot be processed in fractional quantity of shares., You must specify exact number of shares and any remaining payment will be paid in cash.
- If withholding tax needs to be paid in Canadian currency to the CRA, so you must have that amount available in cash. Refer to following article for withholding tax calculation.
- US and Canadian currency exchange rate will need to be considered for withdrawals from a US currency account.