To reduce your IRS withholding tax for a non-personal account, you need to submit a Treaty Statement Declaration to the IRS. Non-personal trading accounts (such as a business, corporation, trust or society etc.) that have submitted this declaration are eligible for reduced IRS withholding tax on US dividends. This drops the US dividend withholding tax from 30% to 15%. If you previously submitted a Treat Statement Declaration, please be aware that they expire after 3 years for non-personal accounts. If it has been more than three years since you submitted, Qtrade requires your client records to reflect an up-to-date Treaty Declaration so it can be re-submitted.
Personal accounts for individuals already qualify for reduced withholding tax and do not need to requalify.
If you believe your Treaty Statement has expired, please complete the attached form and submit to Qtrade Direct Investing by mail, fax, or email.